Friday, November 10, 2006


Well, this headline is not exactly subtle. However, there's a reason for such a drunken but still true outcry of joy:



In the past few years I stopped watching Trailers. My Internet Connection was responsible for the fact that one look at these suckers took me a whole evening.

During that time I talked myself out of the excitement a montage of 2 hours of glorious snippets could cause.
I tried to forget the sheer cinematic triumph that lies in a 120 seconds montage of image and sound purity.

One of the trailers, that had the biggest impact on me was the -actually- Teaser for the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy.

That teaser killed (with the help of primary life changing experiences in that area) all fear and prejudices I had about the fantasy genre.

There was a sense of honesty to be mined into those pictures, that took me beyond what I had believed to know.

That mixture of voice mumbling during the opening seconds. Cate Blanchett's enchanting affirmation of and faith in the strength of an outsider.

That look in her eyes, Viggo Mortensen's mercyless but desperate look.

This intriguing glance of intimacy appearing at the end of the Teaser, when every member of the fellowship passes our visual gaze, all of them seemingly lost in their own thoughts and sorrows.

It was the reality and intimacy of those images, that changed my perception of fantastic literature, which up until that point (I was 14 then, and mostly interested in fiction based on real events) I feared and had no access to.*

I wanted to know what that ..."one of the most extraordinary tales ever told" was.

Little time after I downloaded that teaser I rented THE LORD OF THE RINGS on our school library.

I took the feeling of that Teaser with me when I started travelling with Samwise and Frodo, Gandalf, Strider and all the others.

I don't know if it was even before or after that, when I watched the TV Clips and Trailers for A.I. .

It was the brilliance of these clips to make every fanboy and -girl believe their mythological visionary memory of E.T. and Close Encounters and of their other favourite dreams was to be turned into a movie.

It was also their brilliance to preserve a feeling of mystery, eventually the most important feeling a trailer ought to transcend.

It is my ideal of -as it is the case genre-wise- plot driven action adventure movie that it packs it packs into that plot big but not heavy handed dose of character dilemma.
This trailer pledges some of that for Spidey 3.
All that and some great ass.

Yeah, I know I'm easily hypable.

Otherwise, I'm impressed by fans who know what they want (?) (well, at least they're damn greedy and self referencing) as opposed to those who definitely don't.


* It was of course not only this teaser which changed that. A number of things, such as watching the Indiana Jones films and consuming other things and of course just growing older played a role just as big as that teaser.

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